
Friday, 17 June 2011


 Sedang berblog hoping dalam alam maya ni, saya terjumpa seorang hamba Allah ni yang mengeluh tentang skill blog dia yang semakin pudar dan blog tak ber update, dia mengeluh tak tahu entry yang macam mana sesuai supaya semua orang baca blog dia.
Tetapi saya bukan nak fokuskan pada keluhan itu, tapi komen dari kawan penulis yang saya rasa betul dan ada point nya di situ. Moga bermanfaat.

komen 1:

"blogging/writing or speaking whatsoever related to it, well at least for me, is not about people wanting to read or hear your story, but about you wanting to tell people your story, to let them know. they might not read it, but I myself want to share something with them, hopefully something beneficial. if they don't want to, or not interested to listening to our story, then so be it.

I love to write, so thats one reason why I write. No one reading doesn't mean we stop. (Sometimes I realise I think about the ones who read my posts would not want me writing like this or like that, but I should be honest by just writing whatever I want to share, even though there would be no one reading)

My comment content seems redundant."

komen 2:

"man, bagi aku kan, you write what you believe in. macam aku.. dulu aku suka merepek2 kan? orang ade jugak cakap blog aku buat dorang hepy, gelak2 and all.. which is good right sbb dapat buat orang hepy? but then one day i realized there's something much more worth than just that. so aku tulis pasal benda yang completely different dari dulu. but i second the previous comment, it doesnt matter kalau orang nak bace/ x, tapi ape yang kau nak tulis dan kongsikan.

but one thing you must know, bagi aku janganlah menulis sekadar untuk populariti dan wang semata mata macam bloggers nowadays. thats when ape yang kau tulis, bukan datang ikhlas dari hati. tapi semata mata kerana nak menghiburkan orang ramai dengan apa yang mereka nak dengar. which is wrong i must say. hehe

:D anyways, kalau kau tulis pasal benda serius tapi kau guna cara penulisan kau yang sempoi, i bet orang suke je bace :)"


Setelah membaca komen komen tersebut saya teringat kata kata seorang kawan lama yang juga bloggers tegar. Benarlah kata orang, "Blog is to express not to impress"


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